Near Northwest Neighborhood Dashboard

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Community and Social Context

Tight-knit communities protect and promote the health of the whole. The percentage of residents who trust others, consider people willing to help each other out, and participate in volunteer community groups is associated with how long residents live on average.

62% of residents talk to their neighbors at least a few times a year.

Residents were asked "How often do you have a real conversation or get together socially with any of your neighbors?"

Percent of residents who say their neighbors are likely to...

Demographics Dashboard

Basic statistics about the residents of this community

IndicatorsPopulation by age, race, and ethnicity

AssetsCommunity centers

Neighborhood definitionCensus-blockgroup-based

Neighborhood Change Dashboard

Data about gentrification and trends in diversity

IndicatorsNeighborhood change index, diversity index

Neighborhood definitionCensus-tract-based

Economic Stability

Having a job has greater benefits than just getting a paycheck. People who are employed are less likely than those who are unemployed to report mental health issues like sadness or anxiousness.

57% of residents have a hard time meeting basic needs.

Percentage of adult residents who reported difficulty with one or more of six basic needs in last 12 months (housing, food, utilities, transportation, medical care, and prescription costs)

Income and Home Ownership

Data about households and housing broken down by race

IndicatorsMedian household income, home ownership rate, housing cost burden

Neighborhood definitionCensus-blockgroup-based


Data about individuals living below or near the poverty threshold

IndicatorsPercent in poverty, percent below 185% of poverty

Neighborhood definitionCensus-tract-based


People who have the opportunity to complete more education live healthier and longer lives.

Early Childhood Education

Childcare centers rated by quality

IndicatorsPercent of childcare seats that are high quality

AssetsChildcare centers

Neighborhood definitionCensus-tract-based

School Aged Education

Graduation rate (is based on public and charter schools located in the neighborhood, not on student home location.)

IndicatorsGraduation rate


Neighborhood definitionCensus-tract-based

Educational Attainment

Share of the neighborhood that have completed high school

IndicatorsPercent with no high school diploma, percent with high school diploma and no college

Neighborhood definitionCensus-blockgroup-based

Food Access

Food swamps—places with many fast food restaurants and convenience stores but few grocery stores—contribute to obesity. Food swamps are more often located in communities of color.

40% of residents worry they will run out of food before getting money to buy more.

Percentage of adult residents who, in the last 12 months, worried they would run out of food before getting money to buy more

44% of residents say shopping for healthy food is easy for them.

Access to Healthy Foods

Measures of food deserts and access to grocery stores

IndicatorsLow food access, food deserts

AssetsGrocery stores

Neighborhood definitionCensus-blockgroup-based

Food Security

Need for and location of emergency food resources

IndicatorsPercent of students eligible for free or reduced-price meals

AssetsEmergency food resources, such as food pantries

Neighborhood definitionCensus-tract-based

Major Fast Food Chains

Source: The Polis Center, Marion County Department of Health

Built and Natural Environment

Neighborhoods that have parks, trails, and walker-friendly streets, as well as less trash and graffiti, encourage people to be more physically active.

59% of residents get at least moderate physical activity in a typical week.

Percentage of adult residents who reported moderate or vigorous physical activity in a typical week.

In a typical week, how much physical activity do you get?


Public transportation, land use, air quality, and access to parks and greenspace

IndicatorsPercent within 1/4 mile of park, airborne pollutant risk, mixed-use neighborhoods, transit service score


Neighborhood definitionCensus-blockgroup-based

Access to Health Care

People who live in neighborhoods that are disadvantaged (by high poverty, unemployment, and many adults lacking high school education) are also less likely to have a regular doctor or place for health care. This increases their chances of getting sick and not getting care when they need it.

68% of residents received health care last year

Percentage of adult residents who have seen or talked to a health care professional about their health in the past year

27% of residents could not afford medication

Percentage of adult residents who needed prescription medication in the last 12 months, but went without because of cost

Health Care

Access to health care

IndicatorsPercent with Medicaid, percent with health insurance

AssetsMental health clinics

Neighborhood definitionCensus-tract-based

Health Outcomes

“Health does not just mean the physical well-being of the individual but refers to the social, emotional, spiritual and cultural well-being of the whole community.” -Australian Aborginal People, 1996

While DIP-IN is focusing on reducing the impact of diabetes, our real aim is much bigger – healthy, thriving communities.

Percent of adults who say their health is...

7.3 days per month of poor physical health, on average

Residents were asked "How many days during the past 30 days was your physical health NOT good?"

10.0 days per month of poor mental health, on average

Residents were asked "How many days during the past 30 days was your mental health NOT good?"

27% of residents say their parents or siblings have diabetes.