The SAVI Talks Equity and Criminal Justice event is scheduled for November 18. An individual’s interaction with the criminal justice system is not necessarily a random event: research shows that beginning from birth, various factors including disability, race, gender, and economic status result in disproportionate impact on subpopulations in a way that makes them more likely to engage with the criminal justice system. These factors and policies that alleviate or compound existing inequities will be examined using the Cradle to Prison Pipeline framework. This SAVI Talks research will apply the Cradle to Prison Pipeline framework to the criminal justice landscape of Marion County. We will use it to interpret snapshots of local place-based data that highlight inequities faced by subpopulations from childhood to adulthood, and how policy impacts these inequities. A comparison to similar cities in the United States will yield a comparative perspective about criminal justice inequity on the state and local levels. Learn more.